tcd logo Dr. Andrew BUTTERFIELD
School of Computer Science and Statistics ,
Trinity College, the University of Dublin ,
Head of Foundations and Methods Group
Lero: the Irish Software Research Centre
twitter: @AndrewButterfi9
github: andrewbutterfield
bitbucket: andrewbutterfield
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Vacancies: Research Fellowship in Formal Methods for RTEMS-SMP Q4 2019,


My key areas of interest are Formal Methods and Functional Languages. In particular my research focusses on the development and use of the Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) paradigm. Application areas include: clinical pathways; medical device software; and spacecraft operating systems.

Current research explorations include:

I am actively involved in Lero: the Irish Software Research Centre .

Current Projects


Formal verification of multicore real-time scheduling. Funded by ESA (2yrs, started Feb 2019).


Investigating formal techniques for medical device software development. Funded by SFI through Lero, Hub A (Ongoing, 2016-2020)



Past Activities

I was involved in the following projects: